Science Writing

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

The Golomb ruler is a mysterious and elegant combinatorial object with many real-life applications

Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.

— Galileo Galilei (1564–1642)

When I first heard of the Golomb ruler, it immediately brought to mind the golem — a mythical clay creature of Jewish folklore, mysteriously endowed with the power of life. As I learned, the Golomb ruler, too, has power and ample mystery of its own...

Mathematics 6 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

Bach’s famous cello suites are a rich source of fractal structure

It’s easy to play any musical instrument: all you have to do is touch the right key at the right time and the instrument will play itself.” — Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Like countless others lovers of music through the ages, I am a huge fan of Bach. My first serious appreciation of his music came when studying counterpoint at the Berklee College of Music. However...

Fractals 11 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

Audioactive sequences and the playful genius of John Conway

You don’t educate people by telling them useful things; you educate people by telling them interesting things” — John Horton Conway (1937–2020)

I was first exposed to the genius of John Conway through my work at the NSF-funded Yale Fractal Geometry Workshops...

Mathematics 8 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

Subtract if you can, add if you can’t — a simple rule leads to wild behavior and musical structure

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” — Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519)

For many years, now, I’ve been fascinated by the intersection of music and mathematics. Ever since reading the cover story of Scientific American’s 1985 article on the Mandelbrot set, I’ve been thinking about ways to represent mathematics as music...

Mathematics 8 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

Considering I’ve been using it for decades, I suddenly found my ignorance alarming.

"Why does everyone think the future is space helmets, silver foil, and talking like computers, like a bad episode of Star Trek?" - Tracey Ullman

My fascination with tin foil began in childhood with tin foil boats, light reflectors, and electronic circuit explorations...

Science 11 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

Psychoacoustics, Shepard tones, and the logarithmic perception of pitch

 “We adore chaos because we love to produce order.” — Maurits Cornelis Escher (1898 — 1972) 

I recall having a blacklight poster of M.C. Escher’s “Other World” as a teenager. At the time, things couldn’t get too much cooler than the combination of blacklights AND Escher. If you’re unfamiliar with the piece, here’s the original woodcut print:

Science 10 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

This mesmerizing spectacle of nature has been considered both a good omen and a harbinger of danger. The underlying physics help explain why.

It was a beautiful sight, that electric fire playing around the mastheads and yardarms, and illuminating the whole ship with its pale light. It was like a fairy scene..."

Science 6 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

Researchers Discover a Fractal Protein

Amazingly, cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus spontaneously forms Sierpinski triangles

It was nearly half-century ago that Benoit Mandelbrot first coined the term fractal to describe the broad family of self-similar shapes that repeat their pattern in either exactly or roughly the same fashion over a wide range of scales....

Science 7 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

This elegant eighteenth century theorem gives a necessary and sufficient condition for proving primality


John Wilson was an English mathematician and judge who is best known for his formula for identifying prime numbers...

Prime Numbers  5 min read

Harlan Brothers in Cantor’s Paradise

Bach Meets Mandelbrot

I think we should send all of Bach; but of course we would be bragging, but it is surely excusable to put the best possible face on at the beginning of such an acquaintance.” ―Lewis Thomas (1913–1993)

More than two centuries separate The Art of Fugue, written by Johann Sebastian Bach, and the primitive computer printout of the first graphical representation of what is arguably the most famous fractal...

Bach 6 min read